Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it"
-Adolf Hitler
The information directly before this post is concerning the life of Adolf Hitler. The acts of Adolf are proof that preexisting mental disabilities combined with inevitable trials and tribulations of life as well as a knack for leadership and gaining power can result in devastating consequences. This should not be considered an excuse for the murders that occurred during the holocaust's; every single one was sick and unjust.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Time line of Adolf Hitlers Life

1889- Adolph Hitler is born in the small Austrian village of Braunau Am Inn

May of 1895-At age six a young Adolf Hitler entered first grade in the public school in the village of Fischlham, Austria

1895-His father retired on a pension from the Austrian civil service

1896-Hitler moved to Lambach, Austria Old Catholic Benedictine monastery in the town. The ancient monastery was decorated with carved stones and woodwork that included several swastikas. Adolf attended school there and saw them every day.

1898-The Hitler family moved once again, to the village of Leonding.  He also discovered he had considerable talent for drawing, especially sketching buildings. 

January 1903-Hitler's father died suddenly of a lung hemorrhage

October 1907 - Hitler Fails the Entrance Exam
Hitler dropped out of school at 16 and while his mother urged him to learn a trade, he did whatever he wanted. He was interested in art and spent his days sleeping while at night he would stay up reading and drawing. Hitler finally decided to attend Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. He took an entrance exam into the school and failed. His drawings were graded unsatisfactory and he could not enter the school.

Young Hitler; A oil panting by Hitler

December 1907 - Hitler’s Mother Dies
In January of 1907, Edward Bloch (a Jewish doctor) diagnosed Klara Hitler (Adolf’s mother) with advanced breast cancer. Dr. Bloch gave Klara an emergency surgery in which one of her breasts was removed. The surgery was too late and the cancer continued to destroy her body. Klara Hitler died on December 21, 1907. When Dr. Bloch came to sign the death certificate he recalled Hitler being “overcome with grief” at the loss of his mother. On Christmas Eve Hitler and his sister visited Dr. Bloch to pay the medical bill and Hitler said, “I shall be grateful to you forever.”

1909 – 1913 - Hitler is off to Vienna
Hitler Moved to Vienna to apply for the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts again, and he again failed. He roomed with a friend, August Kubizek. Hitler considered himself far too good to get a regular job. Kubizek recalled Hitler having a dreadful temper and unexpected outrageous outbursts. When Kubizek was admitted to the Vienna Conservatory to study music, Hitler moved out to the apartment and they parted ways. Hitler moved all around Vienna blazing through his shrinking inheritance. He pawned what he had and slept in parks begging for money. In December of 1909 he moved into a homeless shelter and ate at a soup kitchen. In February of the next year, he would move into a home for poor men and occasionally worked as a day laborer. Soon after, he started selling his artwork and painting posters for store windows.

Hitler had an agent who helped him sell his art. After an argument he ended up falling out with his art agent. He testified falsely against his no longer agent and got him an eight day jail sentence. Later his agent would be killed on Hitlers instructions for talking to the press about him. He befriended Josef Neumann (a Jew) and when anti-Semitism began, he still kept good relationships with the nearly all-Jewish community. He was supposed to join the Austrian military but wanted to aoid serving the Austrian Empire (which was multicultural). Hitler moved to Munich but was tracked down by Austrian authorities and almost faced prison. After failing a physical exam, Hitler was judged not physically fit enough to join and the charges were dropped. He continued selling his artwork. On August 1, 1914 Hitler joined a crowd celebrating the German proclamation of war. Hitler volunteered in the German Army two days later.

   sent back 

1918-In the army Hitler received an Iron Cross first class (a rarity for foot solders). The Lieutenant that awarded him the medal was a Jew. During World War I he was temporarily blinded by the British chlorine gas attack. He suffered an injury near the groin area and lost a testicle. They lost the war with Germany and Hitler blamed primarily the Jews.

1919-Hitler was ordered to investigate a small group known as the German Workers’ Party. Hitler went to meet the party in a beer hall with twenty five other people dressed in civilian clothes.

1920-Hitler took charge of the party propaganda.He was aided in his recruiting efforts by Army Captain Ernst Röhm, a new party member, who would play a vital role in Hitler's eventual rise to power.Hitler urged the German Workers' Party to holds its first mass meeting.He met strong opposition from leading party members who thought it was premature and feared Marxists might disrupt it.He even had the hall decorated in red to aggravate the Marxists.Hitler chose the symbol, which to this day remains perhaps the most infamous in history, the swastika.

1921-Adolf Hitler was becoming highly effective at speaking in front of ever larger crowds. Hitler had a meeting in Munich.  To publicize the meeting, he sent out two truckloads of Party supporters to drive around with swastikas, cause a big commotion, and throw out leaflets, the first time this tactic was used by the Nazis.  He traveled to Berlin to visit nationalist groups during the summer of 1921.  The German currency, the mark, slipped drastically in value.

1923-Hitler and the Nazis came up with a plan to kidnap the leaders of the Bavarian government and force them at gunpoint to recognize him as their leader. Then, with the aid of famous World War One General, Erich Ludendorff, they would bring down the German democratic government in Berlin.  SA troops under the direction of Hermann Göring surrounded the place.  Hitler and his storm troopers burst into the beer hall causing instant panic. Hitler took the leaders of the Bavarian government into a back room while he spoke lies to the beer hall crowd. He later left the beer hall and his lies were exposed.  

1924-Because of Hitler’s failed attempt to overthrow the Bavarian government, he was tried in court for treason and found guilty.  Hitler was given a spacious private cell with a fine view where he then wrote the thought of the first volume of his soon to come book.  He got gifts, was allowed to receive visitors whenever he liked and had his own private secretary, Rudolph Hess.  Adolf Hitler was freed after nine months in prison, having learned from his mistakes.

1926-1929- Hitler assumed the title of supreme leader.Hitler finished dictating the second volume of Mein Kampf to Rudolph Hess.When the stock market collapsed it sent financial market into a tailspin with disastrous effects.    

1930-1931-He was quite different.Hitler and the Nazis waged a campaign unlike anything Germany has ever seen before.  He traveled and delivered dozens of speeches, attending meetings, shaking hands, signing autographs, posing for pictures, and even kissing babies.  On the election day the Nazis received 6,371,000 votes.  This entitled them to 107 seats in the German Parliament. 

September 8, 1931,-Hitler left for Hamburg after having huge argument with his niece, Geli Raubal, over her desire to spend some time in Vienna. Hitler was heard to shout at Geli as he was about to get into his car: "For the last time, no!" After he left Geli shot herself through the heart with a revolver. This caused Hitler to contemplate suicide he was talked out of it by senior members of the Nazi party.  There were many rumors about Gelis reason for suicide some say she killed herself because she was carrying Hitler’s child, some people claimed she was murdered by Heinrich Himmler because she was threatening to blackmail Hitler, others say Hitler beat her badly before her death.  Hitler stated that meat reminded him of his nieces’ corps this is the supposed reason that Hitler was a vegetarian; Hitler also did not drink. 

1931-After the death of Geli Hitler began to see more of Eva Braun.  Hitler had many other lovers and was especially fond of movie stars.His girl friend Renate Mueller is suspected to have committed suicide by throwing herself out of a hotel window in Berlin, there are also theories that she died of epilepsy.  There is not official cause of death.

Eva Braun was not happy with Hitler seeing other people and attempted suicide 1932.   She shot her self in the neck but was saved.  After this Hitler saw less of other women

February 1932- Hitler decided to run for president his campaign slogan was “Freedom and bread”.  Though Hitler lost the election, he gained the support of many making the Nazi party even stronger.

January 1933-Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, it was at this point when his reign was made official and began to grow.  Not long after becoming Chancellor of Germany Hitler took action to become officially established as dictator.

August 1934 -not long after becoming Chancellor of Germany Hitler took action to become officially established as dictator.

"The Reich Government has enacted the following law which is hereby promulgated.
Section 1. The office of Reich President will be combined with that of Reich Chancellor. The existing authority of the Reich President will consequently be transferred to the Führer and Reich Chancellor, Adolf Hitler. He will select his deputy.
Section 2. This law is effective as of the time of the death of Reich President von Hindenburg."

March 1935- Hitler ordered the re-arming of Germany as well as a beginning of military buildup in the Rhineland.

June 1935-He tried to sign a naval treaty with Great Britain, and shortly afterward aided Mussolini in the Ethiopian war, which convinced Mussolini to sign the Pact of Steel with Hitler, which would give Hitler the support of Italy should a war arise. Germany also helped to participate in the Spanish Civil War

November 1937-Hitler revealed his intentions of war.  Not long after he annexed Austria and began running tanks through the country.

September 1, 1939-forced war by taking control of the Czechoslovakian borders and the Sudetenland before invading Poland

By 1941 Hitler had control of:

  • Norway
  • Finland
  • Denmark
  • Netherlands
  • Belgium
  • France
  • Monaco
  • Italy
  • Bohemia
  • Slevakia
  • Hungary
  • Romania
  • Croatia
  • Serbia
  • Bulgaria
  • Albania
  • Greece
  • Morocco
  • Tunisia

September 1941 Hitler ordered the beginning of mass deportations from Germany to ghettos in Eastern Europe.  By the end of the year the conflict had escalated to a world war; the Axis against the Allies.

1942-Hitlers personal decline became more apparent, Hitler became more prone to nonsensical fits and physically ill due to the medicine his personal doctor had been prescribing him

 July 1943 the Allies captured Sicily and Mussolini's regime collapsed in Italy

July 20 1944-Hitlers generals grew more and more upset that Hitler did not trust there judgment in the field and along with a small anti-Nazi regime organized a plot for his assassination; the plot failed and the conspirators were executed.  Hitler began gesturing eccentrically over maps and planning attacks with armies that did not exists.

March 19 1945-The as the allies approached even closer to victory Hitler ordered the destruction of German industry, communications and transport systems; Hitler had decided that if he did not survive then neither should Germany.

April 29, 1945-Adolf Hitler and his mistress of many years, Eva Braun were wed Hitler conducted his last political testament at his wedding "Above all I charge the leaders of the nation and those under them to scrupulous observance of the laws of race and to merciless opposition to the universal poisoner of all peoples, international Jewry."  The day after their wedding Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Hitler committed suicide together by ingestion of a cyanide capsule then a gun shot to the head.   The corpses of both were taken to the garden of the Reich Chancellery by aides, where they were covered in petrol then burned.  The effect Hitler had over Germany was nearly a mirror image of his personal life; devaluation of other humans for financial gain and in the end ruin.

Friday, May 8, 2009